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[Solo Show] The Universe in the Golden Eye | Atelier Aki
관리인 |
2022-09-05 |
1580 |
The Universe in the Golden Eye Kwon Kisoo July 12 - August 20 2022 Atelier Aki Seoul 아뜰리에 아키는 오는 7월 12일부터 8월 20일까지 다양한 매체를 통해 한국화의 정신을 현대적으로 재해석한 작품을 선보이며 동시대 미술 영역에서 공고한 ...
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DNA of Coreanity , Tehran Milad Tower Gallery, Tehran
anonymous |
2016-12-27 |
3273 |
DNA of Coreanity Tehran Milad Tower Gallery, Tehran Time-reflected forest with a yellow boat-red 130X194cm acrylic on canvas on board 2015 soft and resilient-gold 130X194cm acrylic on canvas 2012 soft and resilient-black 1...
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Return of Desire | Jungnang Art Center
관리인 |
2018-06-07 |
4027 |
Return of Desire 욕망의 귀환 Jungnang Art Center 꿈꾸는 인간, 인간의 욕망 권기수 작가의 작품세계를 가만히 들여다보노라면 전통회화의 요소요소가 겹쳐진다. 이는 관람객의 입장에서 신기하기도 하고 당황스럽기도 하다. 현대적인 감각과 화면구성, 화...
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Falling in Love with women's Portraits
anonymous |
2016-12-27 |
14271 |
Falling in Love with women's Portraits Sejong Museum of Art, Seoul Untitled 2001~2002 Sumok on Hanji 170X280cm / Study of Shower 2001~2002 Sumok on Hanji 170X140cm
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DNA of Coreanity | Wooyang Museum of Contemporary Art
anonymous |
2017-01-17 |
7696 |
DNA of Coreanity Wooyang Museum of Contemporary Art 3 Jan 2017 - 16 Apr 2017 총석-야범(叢石-夜泛) 220X110cm Acrylic on canvas on board 2015 Untitled, 51X138X203cm, animation, 2010 | Time, 227X540cm, Acrylic on canvas ...
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Happy End of Elephant Factory l Kyobo Art Center
anonymous |
2017-07-19 |
23914 |
코끼리 공장의 해피엔드 유쾌하고 발칙한 현대미술 Happy End of Elephant Factory Pleasant and Rustic Contemporary Art Kyobo Art Center 7.7 Fri.-8.28 Mon. 2017 Memory-Blue 227.3x181.8cm acrylic on canvas on board 2017 ...
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Animamix Biennale 2017: Myth & Science | Art:1 New Museum, Jakarta
anonymous |
2017-08-21 |
39166 |
Animamix Biennale 2017 : Myth & Science Art:1 New Museum, Jakarta 13 Aug - 12 Nov 2017 Hoosou후소後素 227.3X181.8cm acrylic on canvas on board 2015 무 無 II 227.3X181.8cm acrylic on canvas on board 2016 Recollection-Golden 227.3x181.8cm...
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[Solo Show] Part I : 파초(芭蕉) Plantain_ Permanent Blue | ARELIER AKI
관리인 |
2019-09-12 |
11011 |
* 권기수 개인전 1부 : 파초(芭蕉)Plantain_ Permanent Blue_2019년 9월 6일(금) – 9월 28일(토) * 권기수 개인전 2부 : Drawing_2019년 9월 30일(월) – 10월 19일(토) : 아뜰리에 아키 오는 9월 6일 아뜰리에 아키는 갤러리 리뉴얼 후 선보이는 ...
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[Solo Show] Part II : 드로잉 Drawing | ARELIER AKI
관리인 |
2019-10-03 |
13370 |
Part II 드로잉 Drawing ARELIER AKI 아뜰리에 아키에서는 오는 9월 30일부터 10월 19일까지 권기수 개인전 2부 ‘Drawing’’展을 개최합니다. 이번 ‘Drawing’展은 동구리의 원류이자, 그의 초기 작품에서 파생되어 발전한 드로...
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Dialogue | Atelier Aki
관리인 |
2020-03-19 |
2424 |
Dialogue Atelier Aki Untitled 60X60cm each, 2019-2020 Untitled 60X60cm each, 2019-2020 Untitled 60X60cm each, 2019-2020 Nirvana-Pink and Yellow 100X100cm acrylic on canvas on board 2020 Whizz-Astronaut Acrylic on Canvas on board 2019 Whizz-...
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Uncomfortably Exciting | Gangnam Interior Design Week | Installation
관리인 |
2021-06-04 |
6788 |
Gangnam Interior Design Week 불편하고 흥미 진진한 Uncomfortably Exciting Installation 2021.5.28-6.5 강남 인테리어디자인위크 주제관 Color forest 2008 Baloons 5M(h) X 10pieces Kwon Kisoo www.kwonkisoo.com
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Endless : Extended sight | Atelier Aki
관리인 |
2020-09-10 |
9292 |
ATELIER AKI 10th anniversary exhibition Part Two 'ENDLESS: Extended sight' * Date : 2020. 06. 23 - 07. 31 * Artist : Kang Yehsine, Kwon Kisoo, Kim Nampyo, Min Songsik, Lee Seahyun, Cha Seungean and Hong Kyoungtack. In celebration of...
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One Day in The Future... 如果有一天...| Metaphysical Art Gallery | Taipei
관리인 |
2021-03-06 |
2848 |
One Day in The Future... 如果有一天... Metaphysical Art Gallery | Taipei 2021.03.13-05.09 The Universe in The Eyes-Pink 90.9x116.7cm acrylic on canvas on board 2021 Beauty in Thorns-gold d.100cm real gold leaf and acrylic on canvas on board...
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Public Art Project : Youngheung-do Project
관리인 |
2021-05-07 |
8158 |
Public Art Project | Mok-island ,Youngheung-do Kwon Kisoo, The Song of the Moon, 6.1M hight On the way from Incheon to Yeongheung Island, there is a small beautiful island called Mok Island near Sunjae Island. The scenery of the island is so...
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The Encounter Between Hanguel and Korean Painting | Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong
관리인 |
2021-07-06 |
4215 |
The Encounter Between Hanguel and Korean Painting 筆墨之間 書畫,遇見韓文 --------------------------------------------------- 7 July - 14 August 2021 Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong 從「書畫」一詞可以看出,西洋畫與東洋畫最大的差異是對「...
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Collection - Installation
관리인 |
2021-08-04 |
3360 |
Collection Kwon Kisoo | coming out of a box | 2002/2009 Kwon Kisoo | coming out of a box | 2002/2009 Kwon Kisoo | coming out of a box | 2002/2009 Kwon Kisoo | coming out of a box | 2002/2009 Kwon Kisoo | coming out of a box | 2002/2009 Kwon...
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[Solo Show] Dongguri 20 Years | Project Space Mium
관리인 |
2022-02-21 |
1064 |
Dongguri 20 Years Project Space Mium Seoul 21.11.19 - 22.01.20 Untitled. 130x20x200cm. Aluminum, Genuine Gold leaf, Urethane paint. 2021 <어디에나 있고 어디에나 없는> 동구리 20년 주먹질은 해도 뼁끼질은 하지 말라는 소백산 아래 산골에서 그는 ...
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Semi Art Community Project:Boogie Woogie Art Museum | Ulsan Art Museum
관리인 |
2022-05-06 |
927 |
Semi Art Community Project:Boogie Woogie Art Museum Ulsan Art Museum 2022.4.28-5.5
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[Solo Exhibition ] 동동, 완월장취 玩月長醉 | Zaha Museum
관리인 |
2023-01-05 |
811 |
동동, 완월장취 玩月長醉 2022.11.25(금) ~ 12.25(일) ■ 전시 안내 ○일시: 2022.11.25(금) ~ 12.25(일) ○장소: 자하미술관 ○장르: 회화, 설치, 애니메이션, 조각 ■ 전시 소개 꽃 피면 달 생각하고 달 밝으면 술 생각하고 꽃 피자...