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[Solo Exhibition ] 동동, 완월장취 玩月長醉 | Zaha Museum
관리인 |
2023-01-05 |
792 |
동동, 완월장취 玩月長醉 2022.11.25(금) ~ 12.25(일) ■ 전시 안내 ○일시: 2022.11.25(금) ~ 12.25(일) ○장소: 자하미술관 ○장르: 회화, 설치, 애니메이션, 조각 ■ 전시 소개 꽃 피면 달 생각하고 달 밝으면 술 생각하고 꽃 피자...
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[Solo Show] The Universe in the Golden Eye | Atelier Aki
관리인 |
2022-09-05 |
1547 |
The Universe in the Golden Eye Kwon Kisoo July 12 - August 20 2022 Atelier Aki Seoul 아뜰리에 아키는 오는 7월 12일부터 8월 20일까지 다양한 매체를 통해 한국화의 정신을 현대적으로 재해석한 작품을 선보이며 동시대 미술 영역에서 공고한 ...
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Semi Art Community Project:Boogie Woogie Art Museum | Ulsan Art Museum
관리인 |
2022-05-06 |
900 |
Semi Art Community Project:Boogie Woogie Art Museum Ulsan Art Museum 2022.4.28-5.5
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Collection - Installation
관리인 |
2021-08-04 |
3322 |
Collection Kwon Kisoo | coming out of a box | 2002/2009 Kwon Kisoo | coming out of a box | 2002/2009 Kwon Kisoo | coming out of a box | 2002/2009 Kwon Kisoo | coming out of a box | 2002/2009 Kwon Kisoo | coming out of a box | 2002/2009 Kwon...
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The Encounter Between Hanguel and Korean Painting | Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong
관리인 |
2021-07-06 |
4111 |
The Encounter Between Hanguel and Korean Painting 筆墨之間 書畫,遇見韓文 --------------------------------------------------- 7 July - 14 August 2021 Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong 從「書畫」一詞可以看出,西洋畫與東洋畫最大的差異是對「...
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Public Art Project : Youngheung-do Project
관리인 |
2021-05-07 |
8030 |
Public Art Project | Mok-island ,Youngheung-do Kwon Kisoo, The Song of the Moon, 6.1M hight On the way from Incheon to Yeongheung Island, there is a small beautiful island called Mok Island near Sunjae Island. The scenery of the island is so...
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One Day in The Future... 如果有一天...| Metaphysical Art Gallery | Taipei
관리인 |
2021-03-06 |
2803 |
One Day in The Future... 如果有一天... Metaphysical Art Gallery | Taipei 2021.03.13-05.09 The Universe in The Eyes-Pink 90.9x116.7cm acrylic on canvas on board 2021 Beauty in Thorns-gold d.100cm real gold leaf and acrylic on canvas on board...
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Endless : Extended sight | Atelier Aki
관리인 |
2020-09-10 |
7513 |
ATELIER AKI 10th anniversary exhibition Part Two 'ENDLESS: Extended sight' * Date : 2020. 06. 23 - 07. 31 * Artist : Kang Yehsine, Kwon Kisoo, Kim Nampyo, Min Songsik, Lee Seahyun, Cha Seungean and Hong Kyoungtack. In celebration of...
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Dialogue | Atelier Aki
관리인 |
2020-03-19 |
2416 |
Dialogue Atelier Aki Untitled 60X60cm each, 2019-2020 Untitled 60X60cm each, 2019-2020 Untitled 60X60cm each, 2019-2020 Nirvana-Pink and Yellow 100X100cm acrylic on canvas on board 2020 Whizz-Astronaut Acrylic on Canvas on board 2019 Whizz-...
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[Solo Show] Part II : 드로잉 Drawing | ARELIER AKI
관리인 |
2019-10-03 |
13356 |
Part II 드로잉 Drawing ARELIER AKI 아뜰리에 아키에서는 오는 9월 30일부터 10월 19일까지 권기수 개인전 2부 ‘Drawing’’展을 개최합니다. 이번 ‘Drawing’展은 동구리의 원류이자, 그의 초기 작품에서 파생되어 발전한 드로...
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Collaboraton with Samsonite
관리인 |
2017-12-30 |
5936 |
SAMSONITE ART COLLABORATION 2017 Vol.7 KWON KISOO PhotoⓐSamsonite.2017 Windy hill-silver 193.9X130.3cm acrylic on canvas on board 2017 Trialogue in the reflected silver forest 90.9x116.7cm ac...
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Animamix Biennale 2017: Myth & Science | Art:1 New Museum, Jakarta
anonymous |
2017-08-21 |
37971 |
Animamix Biennale 2017 : Myth & Science Art:1 New Museum, Jakarta 13 Aug - 12 Nov 2017 Hoosou후소後素 227.3X181.8cm acrylic on canvas on board 2015 무 無 II 227.3X181.8cm acrylic on canvas on board 2016 Recollection-Golden 227.3x181.8cm...
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Happy End of Elephant Factory l Kyobo Art Center
anonymous |
2017-07-19 |
23695 |
코끼리 공장의 해피엔드 유쾌하고 발칙한 현대미술 Happy End of Elephant Factory Pleasant and Rustic Contemporary Art Kyobo Art Center 7.7 Fri.-8.28 Mon. 2017 Memory-Blue 227.3x181.8cm acrylic on canvas on board 2017 ...
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DNA of Coreanity | Wooyang Museum of Contemporary Art
anonymous |
2017-01-17 |
7679 |
DNA of Coreanity Wooyang Museum of Contemporary Art 3 Jan 2017 - 16 Apr 2017 총석-야범(叢石-夜泛) 220X110cm Acrylic on canvas on board 2015 Untitled, 51X138X203cm, animation, 2010 | Time, 227X540cm, Acrylic on canvas ...
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Falling in Love with women's Portraits
anonymous |
2016-12-27 |
14191 |
Falling in Love with women's Portraits Sejong Museum of Art, Seoul Untitled 2001~2002 Sumok on Hanji 170X280cm / Study of Shower 2001~2002 Sumok on Hanji 170X140cm
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DNA of Coreanity , Tehran Milad Tower Gallery, Tehran
anonymous |
2016-12-27 |
3207 |
DNA of Coreanity Tehran Milad Tower Gallery, Tehran Time-reflected forest with a yellow boat-red 130X194cm acrylic on canvas on board 2015 soft and resilient-gold 130X194cm acrylic on canvas 2012 soft and resilient-black 1...