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Interview with Design Press ①
anonymous |
2019-10-03 |
15097 |
*디자인프레스의 사용 허락 하에 기재 함. ---------------------------중략--------------------------- 원문 참고 디자인 프레스 I Laugh in the Joys and Sorrows of Life: Artist Kwon Ki Soo ① Designpress -------------------------------------------...
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Interview with Design Press ②
anonymous |
2019-10-03 |
146574 |
*디자인프레스의 사용 허락 하에 기재 함. ---------------------------중략--------------------------- 원문 참고 디자인 프레스 I Laugh in the Joys and Sorrows of Life: Artist Kwon Ki Soo ② Designpress --------------------------------------------...
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Magazine | Art in Culture - Cover & Focus | 2019 Nov.
anonymous |
2019-12-05 |
13157 |
Art in Culture Cover Image & Focus | 2019 Nov. Cover | Kwon Kisoo , Face 2(detail), 162.1X130.3cm, acrylic on canvas on board, 2019 Art in Culture (click) Oar-Black_162.1X130.3cm_acrylic on canvas on board_2019 Focus ‘Dongguri&rsq...