Exhibitions & News 최근 소식을 알립니다. 01/05 [Solo Exhibition ] 동동, 완월장취 玩月長醉 | Zaha Museum 09/05 [Solo Show] The Universe in the Golden Eye | Atelier Aki 05/06 Semi Art Community Project:Boogie Woogie Art Museum | Ulsan Art Museum 02/21 [Solo Show] Dongguri 20 Years | Project Space Mium 02/11 The Labyrinth 迷宮 - Painting and Aesthetics | One·Edition Art Space | Seoul 01/24 [Solo Show]Art Skybrige | BODA Gallery | Incheon Academy of Science and Arts 08/04 Collection - Installation 07/06 The Encounter Between Hanguel and Korean Painting | Korean Cultural Center in Hong Kong 06/04 Uncomfortably Exciting | Gangnam Interior Design Week | Installation 05/14 Larry's List | Sabrina Ho - collection 05/07 Public Art Project : Youngheung-do Project 03/06 One Day in The Future... 如果有一天...| Metaphysical Art Gallery | Taipei 09/10 Endless : Extended sight | Atelier Aki 03/19 Dialogue | Atelier Aki 12/05 Magazine | Art in Culture - Cover & Focus | 2019 Nov. more Recent post (images) [Solo Exhib... [Solo Show]... Semi Art Co... [Solo Show]... The Labyrin...